Port of Call: Alaska Inside Passage

Have your camera ready to capture the rugged beauty of the islands and mainland coast of southern Alaska. The views include glaciers, fjords, soaring cliffs and misty northern rainforest.

Inside Passage Along the Alaskan Mountain Range

The One Thing You Don’t Want to Miss


The incredible landscape of the Inside Passage is home to diverse wildlife – orca, mountain goats, bald eagles, bears, puffins, sea otters and more – but the superstars of the area are the gentle giants who feed here every summer. Look out for the awesome acrobatics of breaching humpback whales. You’ll never forget the sight of these 40-ton beasts hurling themselves into the air, almost completely escaping the water. If you’re especially lucky, you could see them swimming together to create a bubble net, trapping and eating fish by the giant mouthful.Depositphotos_135744350_original